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Summer Splash Pool Party
Saturday August 3rd 2024

J oin us for this pool party. Please RSVP using online form here, even if you think know the address. Print and bring your confirmation to get in or save it to your phone!! If you already received a confirmation, you don't need to fill out this form again.
For food, The Pool Party is our usual Pot Luck
(bring enough food to feed 4 guys)
What to bring? If your last name begins with:
A-M: Side Dish or Salad (consider something other than potato salad)
N-T: Main dish (perhaps something different than fried chicken or pizza)
U-Z: Dessert
Even so, no food will be rejected!
Be sure to bring a towel, chair, and swimsuit.
We will provide Soda, Water, Ice and Paper Goods.
Pool Party RSVP
Saturday August 3rd, 2024! 12 noon to 7pm, Cost $13.00 Input full name and email in the form above to RSVP for this Pool Party. You will get a confirmation in a few days with the address.
RSVP Strictly Enforced! The cutoff for RSVP'ing is Friday Aug 2nd at 6pm! *If you are planning to bring others, please have them fill out the RSVP requests form on this site for themselves.
They can also send an email to No exceptions!! You will be sent a confirmation in a few days.
If you don't get a confirmation in 5 days, First CHECK YOUR SPAM OR JUNKMAIL FOLDER FOR IT!
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